A repository of tested, safe ONE-FILE-PORTABLE Programs
What is OFPA?
OFPA - One File Portable App. Unlike traditional portable apps that need own directory (folder) to run, OFPA don`t need any folders. Download - open - use. Of course no installation needed.
Any pros and cons of using OFP instead if traditional portable apps?
Advantages: Fast access; Easy to move/send; Smaller size; Settings/other data saves inside automatically; Simple repository: one purpose - one app; Other advantages of portable soft.
Disadvantages: A bit slower loading on HDD; a bit harder to access source folder.
Why my antivirus says OFPA is a virus?
If you still use an antivirus you may receive this message. It`s false. All of these apps are open to be checked by anyone. If you ask I can give you: source of packer app, program`s source and instructions. You will compile it all yourself and get the same app - but also recognized by an antivirus. So these apps are open and published by the name of Gaponovoz. There are no virus activities. You can check all yourself, I do not hide anything.
Can I set OFP app as default app for file extension?
Yes! Just use the path to the one-file-portable app for any file type you want.
How often do you update apps?
The repository is being updated approximately once a year but most of apps presented here have official self-update system from the developer, all the OFP apps support autoupdate!